Tuesday, August 06, 2013

“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”

Let your "Yes" be Yes and your "No" be No. 
                                                Mathew 5:37

Everyone brought up in their own way will have different values accordingly, it is because of these differences that I now sit here blogging.

It boggles me how 2 people can be the bestest of friend yet share a whole different point of values in life. Like whether one should get married before making love or even the simplest thing like whether stealing is an action agreeable or not. And then there is the other question of how could one spend their life with another person if they both hold different values. How would these two people come to a compromise their whole life when things come between them?

I view friendship as the easier relationship to find a compromising ground, but with a lover/spouse I find it quite hard to give in, only because building a life together is not the same as being the bestest of friends. The amount of responsibilities one holds by sharing a life with another is no longer the same as being just a friend.

Then the question of how about when a child comes into the world, what values should he/she be brought up with, if the parents are unable to hold a common ground?

All these thoughts makes me slightly uneasy knowing that one day I might have to compromise on my believes, willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously.

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