Wednesday, July 17, 2013

what we learn with pleasure we never forget

It is finally official, I'm graduating!!!

I still remember the first few days of my university life so vividly. After 3 years, today, I sit here and letting everyone know that it is official I'm moving on the the next chapter of my life.

I glad to say that I finished my studies with the best results I've gotten throughout my 6 semesters in Monash. To some it may not be that good of a result but to me it is good enough and I am ever so thankful to my Father up there. I've never been one who scored all HDs or As whether in high school or uni and even though I came to accept that a long time ago, I still really strive to.

This is the end of my uni life but definitely not the end of learning for me. Studying may seem to be a pain (sometimes even literally) at times but looking back I'll have it no other way. Studying may not be at the top of the to do list currently but I'm sure some time in the near future it will resume it's prior position in my life.

For now, goodbye  assignments, referencing, early morning classes, car park problems and tutorials!

Till then, I'll enjoy the life of an unemployed and worry about all sorts of future related stuff.
BUT, of course, before that, I'm going on a well deserved holiday to Sydney, Australia!

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