Sunday, December 17, 2006

Subang Parade.

well that place isnt as bad as you think it might be.
yup i had that impression that it Sucked and was really boring!!
but yesterday after really getting rest of the 7 days of non stop action and drama.
noooottt.. ahhaha
i really didnt get sleep for the past one whole week till friday night!!

so Saturday morning Daddy asked me to go out.
so yes being his girl i did..
We went to Subang Parade because mummy went to Uncle Chilli's for some secretary lunch thing.
Daddy was nice enough to take me for some Good food!!
after /SUCCCHH long time!!
i had Kenny rogers!! =]

i met Jit yand and Chuo Tung there too..
they were doing some Leo thingy!!
Interact is like..........................
haha XD

well there is a Flea market at Subang Parade which i never knew of..
me got a Bling Bling Pink Ring!!
hehe thanks daddy!!
well i finally got Pants that actually fits me!!
yipeee!! XD

after all the shopping done.
we went over to Carrefour to get some stuff for mum.
i finally got my Stick Album i wanted for a hundred years!! >.<
and then i got this call from Mummy!!
she was stung by a STUPID BEE!!
well mummy was really in Pain then but she didnt wantto see Doctor!!
thank God she doesnt have an allergic reaction to the sting.

the same night we had a Party also which i never knew off till so late.
it was my Baby cousins Birthday!! Tan wei Qi a.k.a Qi qi
ok la she isnt a baby anymore but she will always be my baby cousin!!
i love the food at the party!! all cooked by Kakak!!
she is the best cook ever!!
were al going to miss her when she leaves next year. =[
oh well.. she has done alot of things for us already.. =]

the highlight of the Party was the Pinata.
Poh Poh ee MADE her own Pinata which was sper cool!!
i was soOOOOooooOOOOO nice!!
it was a Sponge Bob Pinata!!
cool cool cool.
im going to ask her for one on my Birthday!
seriously it looked like the real Sponge Bob.
i have a picture with it. shall post it laterrr.. XD
when i get it la. =P

the mothers had some guessing the cake's weigh competition.
it was funny to see mother's excited though.
the night was really nice..
i have a secret admirer!!
hehe its my liltle cousin.
she loves me!! hehehehehe.

oh well i got some ignoring from some one that night.
but then again apologies came the next morning!!XD

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