Friday, December 22, 2006

Crazy Sleepover XD

agreed sweet peas?!
hehehe i thnk so too!!

just as you said we experience the craziest things together!!
come to think of it we do!! =]
haha fun leh!! you have a crazy friend like me!! hehehehe.

so while baking the cookies me and guans were planning something for Christmas eve.
we want to have a dinner party at Decanteur.dont know how to speel it la.
so we kept calling them to see how what was te menu tat day.
but no one was answering.
so i told guans lets just walk there and ask!
hehehe and she was like yes yes there is a SUPER CUTE GUY there!!
so i was like ok ok ok let's GOOOO!!

guannie had to look her best so she went to change into something very nice..!! hehehe =P
she looks beautifull all the time la but she doesnt want to listen to me!!
so we walked walked walked till we reached the place.
and while we were rading the Menu outside the Restaurant, some one popped his head out saying hello or something!!
oh i got a schocked of my life!! i wasnt expecting anyone!!!

guannie asked him whether we could book tables and stuff.
he just went in after that. so we just followed him!
guans says he was cute and you know what I KNOW THAT GUY LAAA!!! O.O
hahaha..i told her when the Guy went in first..
she was schocked i knew him.

actaully i wasnt sure whether it wa him but then later on i asked him..
he was kor kor's FRIEND!!
so yea..we asked bout the dinner stuff and all and
there was something to guans advantage!!
im not going to say anythign but it was seriously funny!!
the whole conversation was superb funny!!

when we left we laughed our heads home!!
well i had areally good timw the guans yesterday and the day before.
its been so long i realise that i have actually had somuch fun with her.
but i guess there will be more of it to come!! hehehehehehehe.. =]

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