Monday, December 25, 2006

Come home for Christmas! =]

aaron and me
the day before yesterday which was saturday.(23.12.06)
i had a party at Sarah Jane and Aaron's place.
well it was a very last minute thing but i manage to go! =]
i was suppose to be part of the organizers i guess. butt..................
hahaha. i was invited by Julian.
i went as hiis "GUEST"
helloooo im from the church too.. im no guest!! hahaha
well Julian came to pick me up,
and everyone at the party thought Julian really brought a FRIEND!!

the party was really great!!
we had tons of fun!!
and there was tons of Potatoes to eat too!!hehehe.
the activities were really funny
so we had a very good time there

we also Created a new chritmas carol.
why dont you come home for Christmas
fa la la la la la la la la

there is so much potaoes
fa la la la la la la la la

sheperds pie potato salad mash potatoes and many more.

why dont you come home for chritmas

and have many many potatoes..
its abit out of tune though..
after all the activities it was time for gift Exchange..
you see Zi Jie's birthday was on the 25th,christmas day,
so they got him presents too!!
they got him Fairy stuff..
they made him dressed up like a Fairy!!
a purple Fairy..
he had wings, a wand and all sorts of weird things in PURPLE!!
but all of us didnt get the chance to snap a photo of him.. he wasnt that sporting.XD
it was Huey yuih,sean and julians idea!!XD
we had some more food after that
and then it was time for FOOTBALL for the guys!!
hehe.. people like me dont know nuts about football just scream when they scream la..
hahahahaha.. it was so funnyy to see the guys all excited about something and fighting among themselves!! XD
Aaron choi Danile yap and Daniel yong stuck on the football match =S

well Julian only sent me home after the first half of the game..

this time Able came along in the car too!!
and i just found out that
his already in college when his only 16 now!!
such a smart and bright guy la!!so jealous!!
so i reached home about 12.30pm.
and then it was off to bed time!!

actually no no...
come to think again i didnt sleep so early.
i was rushing to finish up the christmas cards that was to be given out the next day.
but ............................................
i didnt! hahaha.. i did the cards till 3 something and gave up!! hahaha =P
so it was off to bed after tat!! =]

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