Thursday, July 12, 2012

In hindsight

The one thing I fail most to commit to is my blog.
I love having this space where I can place my thoughts and then maybe one day look back and see how far I've come in life but most times I just find it difficult having to edit my thoughts for public viewing and I believe that is why my blog is constantly neglected. As history would have recorded, I blog most when I am on a semester break.

I'm currently through two thirds of my holidays, I thought it would be nice to practice writing something other than piles of assignments.

A lot has changed since the last post but I think it's just too much to have to write it all down. So lets just start from today.

While sitting down in Starbucks with my best friend and her boyfriend, watching how happy they were laughing straight at a toy gun, I realize that a lot is going to change from now onwards. I know things have been slowly changing constantly, but to sit down and watch the past playback and to think how the future would play out is all quite a lot to take in. You see,a few of my closest friends are all currently in that phase of transition from study life to working life, few of us in our final year, few not even close to the end of their degrees and there are those whom hasn't even begin to further their studies and it makes me wonder will the gap ever be too big for all of us to communicate?

Having taking our own separate paths since high school ended, we've never had a gap to wide to fill. It always seems like every time we gather, high school was just yesterday despite having not spoken to each other for days, weeks and sometimes even months! And the slightest thought of having being able to loose all that sometimes scare me.

You know how people put so much effort into maintaining a love relationship? I believe that in every relationship whether a love or not, it both requires a lot of effort. 

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