Friday, December 30, 2011

Reindeers and snowmen

Christmas came and passed in a blink of an eye!
And here we are now ready to usher in a brand new year.

The past one month really felt like time was flying by even faster than usual. Still, Christmas has always been my most favorite time of the year! Pretty decorations, the festive music and the wonderful weather, sure makes everything a little more joyous. All the gift wrappers and rolls of ribbons lying around, smell of fresh bakes cookies and my card making station opened really made my house one hectic place to be. In spite of being absolutely exhausted on Christmas day, I really enjoyed myself this whole month.

The best part of Christmas has always the traditional Christmas party my family has with my extended family. Although not every member of my family are Christians but I'm thankful and glad this tradition has never changed.

I received so many presents this year and I'm really grateful for each and every one. These presents are more than just gifts and acts of love but it showed me how much and how well they knew me. (:

There was this particular present that got me thinking a lot.

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