Thursday, April 29, 2010

it's been far too long

last i checked, my last post was in January. seeing now that it is already April and closing in on May people would guess that I've been pretttttty busy. truth be told, BUSY isn't the correct word for me abandoning my blog but rather LAZY! sounds similar eh? but totally DIFFERENT! :P

while most of my friends either make their way to Uni or work everyday, I would be at home lazing around and spend most of my time asleep. like a koala! hahaha. fun fact. do you know that koala's sleep 20 hours a day! I definitely can't beat that! I don't think this habit of mine is very healthy either but i love the feeling of having no responsibilities!

i would love to tell you that bummers like me have nothing to think about or worry but truth is I HAVE MORE TO THINK ABOUT THAN MY FELLOW UNI AND WORKING FRIENDS!! sigh. same old,same old recurring question, "what to study and where to study?"

law? accounting? economics? business? mass comm? psychology?
UK? US? Singapore? HK? Australia? NZ? Malaysia?

im pretty much still in the same place as i was 2 years ago. CLUELESS! haha. seeing that my whole family is worried about my future , i decided to end their worries and picked something already. i don't really know whether i want to study that or go to that Uni. but a child has to do what a child has to do. oh well. nothing is confirmed so far. but when the time comes, you and i would know where i end up.

i NEED another getaway. hahahahahaha. :P

1 comment:

hy said...

hahah no worries!!! james will be back soon to keep you occupied!! :P